Appalachian youth ever e-cigarette users perceive e-cigarettes as less harmful and less addictive compared to never users. Better informing youth, especially youth tobacco users, of the harms associated with e-cigarettes is vital.
The impact of electronic cigarettes (ECs) on nicotine use is hotly debated: some fear that ECs are a 'catalyst' to conventional smoking, while others argue that they divert adolescents from the more harmful product. This study used simulation modeling to evaluate the plausibility of catalyst and diversion hypotheses against real-world data.
Adolescents in England who report using e-cigarettes at age 13-14 years have higher rates of subsequently initiating cigarette use than adolescents who report using e-cigarettes at age 14-15 years, a difference that may be attributable to a longer period of time to initiate cigarette use in former group.
Objectives: Given the need to understand e-cigarette retail and its impact, we examined sociodemographic, tobacco and marijuana use, and e-cigarette retail experiences as correlates of (1) past 30-day e-cigarette use, (2) past 30-day advertising/media exposure, and (3) point-of-sale age verification among young adults
There is little scientific knowledge about e-cigarette use in South Africa. This study aimed to describe the risk factors and perceptions of selected Johannesburg-based users of e-cigarettes.
In the 2018 NYTS adolescent sample, perceptions of harm and ease of tobacco product purchase appear to be significantly related to higher odds of e-cigarette susceptibility, in addition to other demographic factors. Longitudinal data, particularly cohort data following adolescents from susceptible to actual or no use, are needed to assess predictors of e-cigarette use initiation.
Using social networks to inform prevention efforts is promising but has not been applied to vaping. To address this gap, we pilot tested the peer-led Above the Influence of Vaping (ATI-V) and examined diffusion through 8th grade networks in three schools.
Youth liked the taste of e-liquids containing green-apple flavor or low nicotine concentration which highlights the appeal of fruit flavors in e-cigarettes to adolescents.
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