Miscellaneous Research Paper

Sex- and age-dependent differences in nicotine susceptibility evoked by developmental exposure to tobacco smoke and/or ethanol in mice

Either tobacco smoking or alcohol consumption during pregnancy sex-selectively increases susceptibility to drugs of abuse later in life. Considering that pregnant smoking women are frequently intermittent consumers of alcoholic beverages, here, we investigated whether a short-term ethanol exposure restricted to the brain growth spurt period when combined with chronic developmental exposure to tobacco smoke aggravates susceptibility to nicotine in adolescent and adult mice.

December 09, 2020 Download

Prevalence and risk factors of e-cigarette use among working-age adults with and without disabilities in 2017-2018

Adults with cognitive disabilities and independent living disabilities had more than twice the prevalence of ECIG use compared to adults without disabilities. Future studies should monitor the rising prevalence and risk factors for ECIG use as well as examine longitudinal associations between using ECIGs, dual use with cigarette smoking, and health outcomes among adults with disabilities.

December 05, 2020 Download

Prevalence and correlates of lifetime e-cigarette use among adolescents attending public schools in a low income community in the US

Adolescents from marginalized communities are susceptible to and are using e-cigarettes. Prevention efforts targeting underserved areas may benefit from e-cigarette health education messages that reduce curiosity, interrupt social aspects of initiation, and emphasize health harms.

November 24, 2020 Download

Central histaminergic transmission modulates the expression of chronic nicotine withdrawal induced anxiety-like and somatic behavior in mice

Thus, it can be contemplated that the blockade of central histamine H1 or H2 receptor during the nicotine withdrawal phase could be a novel approach to mitigate the nicotine withdrawal associated anxiety-like manifestations. Contribution of endogenous histamine via H1 or H2 receptor stimulation in the nicotine withdrawal induced anxiety and somatic behavior is proposed.

November 06, 2022 Download

Does having one or more smoking friends mediate the transition from e-cigarette use to cigarette smoking: a longitudinal study of Canadian youth

Having smoking friends did not explain the association between e-cigarette use and smoking uptake despite being a common risk factor for both e-cigarette use and cigarette smoking. Prevention efforts should consider how best to incorporate effective programming to address these social influences.

October 27, 2020 Download

Electronic Cigarettes: Exposure to Secondhand Vapors at a Long-Term Healthcare Company

Overall self-reported secondhand exposure to electronic cigarettes and cigarettes/cigars/pipes was low. To determine a definitive exposure level, quantitative sampling can be done related to chemical exposure via passive inhalation of the smoke and vapor cloud for cigarettes and electronic cigarettes, respectively. Education can be provided to healthcare workers and residents in long-term care facilities regarding risk of exposure to secondhand smoke to alleviate employees concerns with exposure.

October 15, 2020 Download

Association of characters and temperaments with cigarette and waterpipe dependence among a sample of Lebanese adults

It was discovered that the relation between certain personality traits and nicotine dependence differs among ethnicities and cultures; therefore, this study was conducted to determine which temperaments and personality traits are associated with smoking dependence in order to contribute to the development of effective and targeted interventions for smoking dependence within the Lebanese population.

October 15, 2020 Download

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