Country Name | Population (Millions) | Male(% of Total Pop) | Female(% of Total Pop) | Pop Growth (Annual %) | Year |
Somalia | 15.0 | 49.9 | 50.1 | 2.8 | 2018 |
Country Name | GDP in Billion (Current US$) | GDP Growth (Annual %) | GDP Per Capita (Current US$) | Year |
Somalia | 315 | 5 | 2.8 | 2018 |
Country Name | Population Below the International Poverty Line | Year |
Somalia | - | - |
Country Name | HDI | Year |
Somalia | - | - |
Country Name | Health Expenditure Per Capita (Current US$) | Year | Out-of-Pocket Expenditure (OOPS) as % of CHE | Year |
Somalia | - | - | - | - |
Country Name | Personnel Per 10000 Population | ||||
Physicians | Nursing and Midwifery | Dentists | Pharmacists | Year | |
Somalia | - | - | - | - | - |
Country Name | UHC Service Coverage Index | Year |
Somalia | 25 | 2017 |
Country Name | Life Expectancy at Birth, Female (Years) | Life Expectancy at Birth, Male (Years) | Life Expectancy at Birth, Total (Years) |
Somalia | 59 | 55 | 57 |
Country Name | Incidence of Tuberculosis (Per 100,000 People) |
Somalia | 262 |
Regulatory Status | No Specific Law |
Regulatory Status | Allowed |
Legal to Use Product | Yes |
Products are Marketed | No |
Products are Marketed | No |
Data Source: World Health Organization (WHO) | Global Status of Tobacco Harm Reduction
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