THR PubMed Research

Scanned information exposure and support for tobacco regulations among US youth and young adult tobacco product users and non-users

The influences of information exposure on youth and young adults' (YYA) support for smoking/vaping regulations have been understudied.


Effects of Hyperdirect Pathway Theta-Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Inhibitory Control, Craving, and Smoking in Adults with Nicotine Dependence: A Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Trial

Background: Nicotine dependence is associated with dysregulated hyperdirect pathway (HDP)-mediated inhibitory control (IC). However, there are currently no evidence-based treatments shown to target the HDP to improve IC and reduce cigarette cravings and smoking.


Effects of Modified Tobacco Risk Products with Claims and Nicotine Features on Perceptions among Racial and Ethnic Groups

Research suggests consumers may misunderstand modified risk tobacco product (MRTP) claims


Nicotine and Cytisine Embryotoxicity in the Experimental Zebrafish Model

Tobacco smoking is one of the most serious health problems. Potentially lethal effects of nicotine for adults can occur with as little as 30 to 60 mg, although severe symptoms can arise with lower doses


Contribution of the α5 nAChR Subunit and α5SNP to Nicotine-Induced Proliferation and Migration of Human Cancer Cells

Nicotine in tobacco is known to induce tumor-promoting effects and cause chemotherapy resistance through the activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).


Potential Harm of IQOS Smoke to Rat Liver

The Food and Drug Administration has recently classified the IQOS electronic cigarette as a modified-risk tobacco product. However, IQOS cigarettes still release various harmful constituents typical of conventional cigarettes (CCs), although the concentrations are markedly lower. Here, we investigated the damaging effects of IQOS smoking on the liver.


Patterns of cigarette and e-cigarette use among UK adolescents: a latent class analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study

Background: Patterning of cigarette and e-cigarette use among young people remains poorly characterized. We aimed to describe these patterns in the UK Millennium Cohort Study at age 14 and 17 years.


Flavored electronic nicotine delivery systems ads (2019-2020) on traditional U.S. Media by audience demographics

The tobacco industry has historically targeted flavored products to specific U.S. consumer segments, including young people, women, and systemically marginalized groups based on race, ethnicity, or sexual/gender identity.


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