Introduction: Flavorings are one of the major appealing factors of current tobacco products, especially for young adults. They constantly evolve, and new flavorings are introduced to the market every year, but little is known about user profiles of flavored tobacco products (FTPs).
Exposure to tobacco smoke and essential metals is linked with metabolic syndrome (MS). However, the joint effect of them on MS in older adults and the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. This large-scale study measured the urinary concentrations of 8 nicotine metabolites and 8 essential metals in 4564 older adults from Shenzhen, China.
Introduction: One of the most vexing challenges to public health today is the menace of tobacco. Despite the large body of evidence indicating the vast scale of health hazards, tobacco use continues to be a major cause of preventable death. This study was conducted with the objective of quantifying the progress and challenges of the tobacco control policy of India.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developed a public education campaign, The Real Cost, that reduced youth susceptibility to tobacco product use. We sought to identify the mechanisms that may underlie the impact of The Real Cost ads on susceptibility to vaping to inform youth tobacco prevention campaigns.
Background: In recent years, e-cigarettes have been used as alternatives among adult smokers. However, the impact of e-cigarette use on human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells remains controversial.
Background: This study aimed to investigate whether perceived vaping addiction is a predictor of quitting nicotine vaping product (NVP) use among adults who have ever smoked and currently vape exclusively or predominantly in four countries: Australia, Canada, the US, and England.
Background: Adolescent substance use (SU) is often motivated by a desire to alleviate undesirable symptoms. To test the self-medication hypothesis, we examined associations between comorbid psychologic and somatic symptom trajectories across early adolescence and early onset SU.
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